Glitched diode = Could be used in place 'b***h', or other expletive.Glitch/glitchead = The equivalent of retard, idiot, d**khead.
Functionist = The belief, or a person of the belief that one's alt mode is the sole determinant of one's function, significance and position in society. Also, fraggit or slaggit are interchangeable with d***it or.other, much more vulgar words beginning with 'F' and 'S'. Fragged or slagged can also be used in place of damaged, destroyed, or killed/dead. Frag/Slag, Fragging/Slagging, Fragged/Slagged, Fraggit/Slaggit = Often interchangeable with d***, crap, and some more expletive words and have the same general meaning. For example, someone with a large fuel pump could refer to someone who is very generous or courageous. Fluid/fuel Pump = Equivalent of heart. Engex = a beverage that produces an effect not unlike intoxication. Empty = A hobo or insignficant person, a nobody. Cycle = A unit of time measurement approximately equal to 1.25 hours. chamber = Cryogenic regeneration chamber. Crankcase = "Yankin' one’s crankcase" equates to "Yanking one’s chain" or "Pulling one’s leg" generally spinning a false or misleading story in a way to make one believe it to be true.
Cybertronians may get 'high' off of them.
Circuit speeders = A strong drug appearing to act as a stimulant. Circuit slab/recharge slab can be used interchangeably. Circuit slab = A hospital bed presumably. Chassis = A term that refers to a Transformer's body, generally the torso or thorax portion of the body. Berzerker Buttons = Apparently a cocktail that causes one to go berserk if overdosed upon.
§ Afterspark = Hell, heaven, or some form of afterlife. Afterburner and Thruster are interchangeable with aft and often used when referring to flying Transformers. A § Aft, Afterburner/Thruster = A common Transformer term roughly equivalent to rear, tailpipes, butt, etc.